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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Finally starting to clear a few things on my list~ but nua too much, not doing alot xD Just watching Queen Seondeok all day :x enjoy life ttm. haven even start planning for xmas too :x nua till too happy~

People who owe me money, please pay me back eh, you know cannot 欠过年 one, will have bad luck! ok not like ppl will see it here anw. but really running low on cash :(( looking at all the things ive got to buy and the fact that i dun have any income for this two months!! ARGH. But yea too lazy to work too.
--I Need a Nap--
2:36 PM

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Wows been damn long since i can nua at home, slack, watch videos, and do whatever {I} want!! Dont have to worry about FOC stuff, work, and all! and no im not really for the idea of going out to play often cos im not actually earning money... means i dun wanna spend too much either!!!! keke~

OK must do for hols:
1) Internship!
2) Clear the WHOLE room
3) Piano Exams
5) Clear drama LIST!!!
7) Meet up with friends :))
8) Settle my batt's prob
9) READ!!!

Things i will like to do:
1) baking/cooking
2) some big project (secret hehe)
3) go overseas again! short getaway (just back from Bintan!)
4) small event jobs, minimal commitment
5) korean/jap? hahs
6) Settle all the problems. whatever could not be settled when everyone was stressful.

1) Camera
2) New clothes, a small bag and cream-coloured heels!
3) New earpiece for my nano~
4) Oven? Theory books?
5) Storybooks?
6) Jacket

Wells actually the list goes on xD hehe doubt i can have so much and do so much but still!!! Looking forward is happy!!!! Wont even dare to dream of doing all that i want the previous holidays!!!! <3 this life ttm!~

Dun worry so much and move forward :)) shall wait till 22nd :))
--I Need a Nap--
1:57 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2011
im stressed. and im sensitive to words. and im tired of thinking for others.

you may not mean it, whatever i perceive, as you always dun mean to. but because im sensitive to words, it still hurts. to feel that im accused again, of being unreasonable.

just a sensitive person in a sensitive period. i must have been thinking too much again.

i know i shouldnt be selfish. but isnt everyone?

for once... my priority have to be set right.

i cant be pleasing others again when im already half-buried in the depths.

i cant always try to understand the stress and difficulties others face when they don't understand that I AM stressed and facing a difficult time.

and for you... i thank you.

for knowing me, for being with me, for trying to understand that i have my moments too. for sometime now, a rather unexpected friendship but in my down-est moments moved me to tears, as she stood by me, and my stubbornness.

and... sorry.

for making things difficult for you, and making the choice you had to make because i tied you down by a pact. but... i really appreciate it. for not jumping to conclusions, for not just accusing my actions of being a childish.

and sorry... was half tempted to just went along with the decision so as to not burden you, but i really have got to prioritize this time.

and ya. since it's just me, i should have given in to others. like i always did. but this time. i need to start trying to breathe first.



Because when others are judging me based on what they see, there's is someone who will stand by me and listen to what i have got to say.
--I Need a Nap--
2:24 AM

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Alot of things left unsaid, but somehow it just dun seem to be the right time to say it now. I sense a wall coming up, something i anticipated after that night. Or maybe its just me? Miscommunication had led to all these, there are things I need to apologise about and things I need to explain. I know while I complain, I need to take much responsibility of whatever happened.

Still, there is a big gratitude in my heart for all of them. Its because of them that I managed to pushed on, because of them that I remained strong (ok till that night). I admit I had been demanding and expecting too much. All the while not communicating properly and putting alot of stress on everyone.

Anyhow, ITS OVER!!! and i hope soon things will wash away too.
--I Need a Nap--
2:35 PM

Saturday, June 11, 2011
what hurts the most
was being so close
and having so much to say
and watching you walk away

and not knowing
what could've been
and not seeing that loving you
is what i was trying to do

no freedom of speech
i cant be selfish

but who isnt?
just that i dun even have the authority to be :))
--I Need a Nap--
12:48 AM

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm not that nice, kind person i set out to be. Like anyone, i'm selfish. I dun even understand why i'm liddat now. Really regretted, now i dun even have a channel to express myself freely. My depression. I really regretted. How i wish i'm a little more stupid.

Self-pwned. Ignorance is damn blissful, isnt it?

Didnt realised till it was too late. HAHA. Turn back time, time, time. ARGH!!!

I dunno what will be worse. Finding out now, or waiting till its set.

Her best days will be some of mine worst.

--I Need a Nap--
11:16 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2011
For the first time in my life, I wish i was prettier.

Not the kind of, dress up everyday, make up everyday. But the kind you know will make you feel more confident.

Its eating into me more than I thought it would. and i already almost lost my last line of defence.
--I Need a Nap--
6:10 PM

ying ming aka cabbage/veggie/veg/cai/cat
8th Oct 1990
veggie-caBB bytch of bytch clan

3E'05 chalet
no quarrels
buy all the nice books
slim down =s
keep in contact
new clothes, bags, shoes, accessories =x
tuition jobs


A* alyssa~andrew
B* bernard
C* candy~ceyu~chunsern~claudia
D* dickson
E* emerson~esther
F* fangming
G* glennda
H* helga
I* ivy~ivyt
J* jannifer~jiahao(blogspot)~jiahao(xanga)~jianfu~jiaying~jinhwee~jinyi~junyong~juenkeat
K* kaiying~kamin~ken~kerina~kokleong
L* leongaik~leslie~limying
M* maybellina~meilingjie(msteo)~michelle~mindy~mrchuarc
N* natalie
P* pearlyn~peishan
R* radzuan~renwei
S* sandy~sayhoe~seokhui~shijie~shuqi~shuhui
T* tingwei~tiongmeng~tommy~tommy(jj)
V* valerie~vanessa
W* wanyee~weeleong(blog163)~weeleong(blogspot)~wingkin
X* xinyi~xuanqi
Y* yensze~yingling~yitan~yunfan
Z* zhangfan~zhihao

=> TC club
=> Lesvy love blog(Leslie + Ivy)
=> 07S25
=> Mrs Ho-Lau's Tian Kong
=> Xia Xue

|May 2005|
|June 2005|
|August 2005|
|September 2005|
|November 2005|
|December 2005|
|January 2006|
|February 2006|
|March 2006|
|May 2006|
|September 2006|
|October 2006|
|December 2006|
|April 2007|
|May 2007|
|June 2007|
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
|September 2007|
|October 2007|
|November 2007|
|January 2008|
|February 2008|
|March 2008|
|April 2008|
|May 2008|
|June 2008|
|July 2008|
|August 2008|
|September 2008|
|October 2008|
|November 2008|
|December 2008|
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|June 2009|
|July 2009|
|August 2009|
|September 2009|
|December 2009|
|May 2010|
|June 2010|
|July 2010|
|August 2010|
|September 2010|
|November 2010|
|December 2010|
|January 2011|
|April 2011|
|May 2011|
|June 2011|
|July 2011|
|November 2011|
|December 2011|



+It's funny why '
+thinking of those happy times with you '
+brings me tears. '
+And it's funny why '
+thinking of those times we argued '
+brings me laughters. '

.w.e. .a.l.w.a.y.s. .l.o.o.k. .b.a.c.k. .a.n.d. .s.i.g.n.
.t.h.a.t. .w.e. .h.a.d. .f.a.i.l. .t.o. .t.r.e.a.s.u.r.e.
.t.h.e. .p.a.s.t.
.a.n.d. .w.i.s.h.e.d. .t.h.a.t. .w.e. .c.a.n. .g.o. .b.a.c.k.
.t.o. .h.o.w. .t.h.i.n.g.s. .u.s.e.d. .t.o. .b.e.
.t.h.a.t. .i.s. .w.h.y. .w.e. .n.e.v.e.r. .t.r.e.a.s.u.r.e.
.w.h.a.t. .w.e. .h.a.v.e. .n.o.w.
.a.n.d. .o.n.l.y. s.i.g.n. .w.h.e.n. .i.t. .i.s. .g.o.n.e.
.n.e.v.e.r. .t.o. .r.e.t.u.r.n.

__we_want_ to_grow_older__