Sunday, February 26, 2006
Summary Ex 3
The Dream Merchant by Isabel Hoving
Part I - He Is Called
Chpt 3 - The Dawning Of The World
Josh cannot forget the high-tech gadgets he saw, while Baz, who plays drums, remembered the music. His sister's boyfriend, Mervin Spratt, kept pestering Josh about his collection. Max, Director of Youth Affairs, asked the two of them along to imayada, dream-walk in Tembe. Tembe is the ancient tongue of the ancestors of Gippart. They would have to enter umaya, dream-world, for a imayada. Everyone's way into umaya has a special image. Adults need pills to enter umaya. They went through different imayada. Josh fall into his nightmare, where someone grabbed him and called his actual name. They then fall into the dawning of the world, Max's favourite dream, with friendly animals inculding panthers and snakes. Max explained that snakes mean life and protect people. Josh then decide to wear his snake bracelet hoping that it will keep his nightmare away. They then return to the real world, by falling asleep.
Word count= 150 words
woo~~~ finally update sia... haha... k lets tok abt wat happen dis wk... lol tue... valentines' day... went bugis wit esther... wah long time neva go liao sia... go dere shop... haha... woo~~~ thurs went ntu for selection... ran 400m + 100m... fri mornin... went sch at 6.15 for mornin run for expetition leader... ran 2.2... den go back do circult trainin... den after sch... chi test... damn sux... dun tink i will achieve my target 4 chi liao... den aftertt... chiong lot 1... KBOX!!! wit vanee andrew ahtiong joel peishan chiayee huimin... lol mi vanee n andrew one rm... wah i damn high... nt as high as those next door la... in our room i beri den mood was entirely spoil by a f***ing bastard... k la u sae i yaya coz i in class oways ans the teachers' qn i dun mind... bt coz of tt THING!!! lame la u... Idiot... i realli dunno... U Should noe by now i very gong wan... U'VE WRONGLY ACCUSED ME K??? AND IT'S NT LIK U'R JUZ JOKIN OR WAT... GOOD U IDIOT... U TINK U BERI HUMBLE??? U TINK SO LOWLY OF ME DEN YOU JOLLY WELL KIP AWAY FRM ME!!! BIRDS OF a FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER RITE? FREAK!!! SPOIL MY MOOD ENTIRELY... BRAINLESS... aniway, common test nxt wk... no point gettin fed up over an idiot and neglect my studies... let off enuff steam liao... now, i juz want to hang on the the precious moments n the little tym we r goin to haf together... guaduating tis yr le... n aftertt... we will all be goin seperate ways... and neva noe how long will we meet each other again... unhappy things, let it pass as quickly as possible... dun regret spendin too much of ur tym bein mad at each other... n fail to make full use of the little time we haf together to leave good memories for each other... learnt a lot... time passes so fast... we dun haf ani to waste... we cnt go back to the happy times we had... so we can onli create new ones... tue went training... woo our team sibei not organise + pupils beri cooperative sia... wed... gt talk by mr harris.. flooded again... haiz... tink too much things happenin... cnt take it all at once... he said lots of things... n we oso gt to noe... lots of sub. teachers dun wan teach us... haiz sad... juz hope tt our class will improve... change the teachers' opinion of us... fri went cross country... lol ROCKIES 1ST!!! n i gt my no. tag for the last yr... yes!!! lol... sat... did my homework... lol was thinkin... n i realized... my wounds had neva healed... it was juz tt i did i gd job numbing them... i tot i was healin my wounds doin so... bt instead i onli manage to numb them... n i realize... things will neva be as gd as how it was... bt now... at the same time... i cnt be hurt as badly as i was in the past.. bcoz my attitude had changed... i m isolatin myself more often... n mixin in small clique onli... which most of us r doin now... bt at least... the bonds r still dere... i dun wan to tink of d past... bt i cnt help it... i dun wan to look at d past n rmb the bad tyms... 4 it still hurts... neither do i want to look at the past and miss the gd tyms we haf... coz i noe dey will neva b back... i juz wan to look at the present... and treasure the gd tyms we haf now... i dun want to regret it in d future...
--I Need a Nap--
3:08 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
Summary Ex 2
The Dream Merchant by Isabel Hoving
Part I - He Is Called
Chpt 2 - The Associates
Josh went to Gippart International where he was interviewed and asked to go to the Junior Associates' quarter(JCR). He was given a rough welcome by Moussa, the chief of JCR before he was taken to the quarters where he met Baz. Teresa, one of the associates, told them about Gippart. It was founded in 1017, selling the most inventive products. People used to buy their products until their competitor, Katz came in. People wants a kind of feeling and they cannot feel it from Gippart's products. So, to increase Gippart's profit, they would have to travel through time to sell their products. However, they had only succeeded in dream travel. Moussa warned them about associates killed because of time-travelling but Josh refuse to heed after the rough encounter with him. They were then taken around to look at Gippart's products and were told that the top floor, where the president is, is banned as it was dangerous because of a family curse.
Word count= 150 words
NOTE!!! correction for chpt 1 summary-Josh is twelve, not fourteen Tommy just in case you online bt i neva online... is the source to Yellowcard's Lights And Sounds... direct copy in can le... i tried before... can work!!! if cannot pm mi... lol... ps i cnt find Only One!!!
lol... sry to keep all the book fans waiting... was busy helping my mother to pray since today is yuan xiao jie, which is also known as the eastern valentines' day... k i will try to update more often k? as long as i gt time... PROMISE!!! lol... i read till chpt 11 today as i was helping my mum... thx tommy!!! nice book... cant stop reading!!! lol...
--I Need a Nap--
2:23 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
lol... here to update abt the book!!! lolSummary Ex 1The Dream Merchant by Isabel HovingPart I - He Is CalledChpt I - GadgetsJoshua Cope, fourteen, was an ordinary boy besides four things. Firstly, he was a good collector who could organize things such that they can be found easily and nobody would throw them away. Secondly, he can fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Thirdly, he always remember his dreams. Lastly, he was a thief, one who never stole from his friends but only things left unattended. Because of these qualities he possess, he was chosen to be part of Gippart International, a global conglomerate. They rang him up three times in the middle of the night, setting the ringtone of the phone to the children's frequency, so that adults will not hear the phone ringing. He was asked to visit the corporation and was told that his best friend, Baz, was there too. Josh rejected their offer initially but change his mind upon hearing that Baz was also there.Word count= 146 wordsWOO~~~ finish the 1st chpt le... lol... haiz sian tml gt 2 test... gonna go study now liao... LOL
--I Need a Nap--
12:22 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006

WOO~~~Lollipop king in sec2!!!=x...

grp photo... sat mornin... 1+am...
lol... went self study juz now ytd(it's now 1+ in the mornin liao)... wit yy cf n khiam... manage to study for chem... understand more abt it now... gonna write my letter
--I Need a Nap--
5:27 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
lol back to blogging!!! haiz past few days beri busi... so now i update... k new yr... visit relatives as usual... took ang baos... den chu san went play pool... WOO fun... thx ceyu tingwei angkeng... for teachin tis blur gal paitiently!!! lol... k den sch starts... k had a bad wk... kena scolded by tons of teachers... teachers pms... k la let's b fair... we r partly to blame... aniway... bio... shld i drop or shld i nt??? haiz c 1st... by mon muz gif ans... aniway... dis wk has been bad... haiz... i rmb i gt lots i wanna crap abt wan... bt i forgot... oh ya ngee ann visit... lol fun... tried archery... FUN!!! lol though i did nt shoot the bull eye... haiz... so much things happenin... k i just decided=drop bio... bt still haven decide jc or poly... haiz c 1st... realli scare... lata i make wrong choice... regret my whole life... seriously i'm starting to feel the stress risin around mi... and i hate it...The Dream Merchant- finish first two chpts oready... will update one chpt every sunday... LOL...
--I Need a Nap--
1:57 PM